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High Five a First Grader

One of the Nebraska State standards for first graders is to know 136 high frequency words by the end of the year.  The list consists of 15 review words from kindergarten, 104 words directly taught in first grade and 17 words (days of the week, a few number words and some miscellaneous words) that are not directly taught but can be found in the literature and daily activities in first grade.  Students and parents are given the list at the beginning of the year and encouraged to practice the list a few words at a time at home over the course of the year.

An initial screening for each student is done the first few weeks of school and the number of words is recorded. Another screening is completed at the end of the first semester. The scale for measuring the growth in the high frequency words is 1-33 (words) beginning, 34-68 (words) progressing, 69-103 (words) proficient, 104-136 (words) advanced.

 We hope to see growth.  This year the growth was phenomenal.  The beginning of the year screening of 33 students measured five of them beginning, 12 progressing, 10 proficient and 6 advanced with an average of 70 words.  The screening before Christmas of 34 students measured zero at the beginning level, one progressing, 11 proficient and 22 advanced with a 109 word average.

What does it mean that first graders know these 136 high frequency words?  It means they are able to read!  In class, students are learning long vowel words, irregular vowel patterns (r controlled words), words with endings, and the high frequency words.  The skills taught in class, and the practice that students and parents do at home, help first graders to become fluent readers! If you know a first grader give them a high five for learning their high frequency words!