District OR1 Alumni & Community
. . . . . . . . . . Explore pages built by the PHS Information Technology Class Click HERE to See District Communities, Veterans, and Alumni Collections . . .

Demolition Begins at Palmyra...
The walls are coming down as the 1930's building will be replaced with fine arts programs and a competition gymnasium. .

Rooms at Bennet Elementary are Coming Along Quite Well!
Check out the 360 degree pictures of the new Bennet rooms. Click on a picture below. Facebook will allow you to then drag whichever way you want to look.... Go Panthers!
Halloween Pictures of Bennet Elementary
Check Out ALL Pictures at walmart.com
In the attached gallery are 13 pictures from Halloween. I took them at a different angle and Wal-Mart does not auto-rotate. :-( Sorry! Those pictures, and 80 others are available by clicking the below link. If you'd like, you . . .

2015 Graduation
Congratulations Graduates! Download graduation pictures by clicking on the following link: http://photos1.walmart.com/walmart/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=15162650003/a=4224117_4224117/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=walmart/ . . .

Graduation 2013
Videos...More to come
To see the Graduation Pictures, Click HERE. It will take you to Wal-Mart

Missing Pictures of Alumni
Please Help...
We are missing the following pictures from past graduates. If anyone can help get a graduation picture of our students, it would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail Mr. Brown @ brown.bur@districtor1.net Thanks... . . .
Ten Years Later
1996 Class Reunion
The class of 1996 celebrated ten years of graduate life on April 1 st by gathering at the Bennet Square for steak, stories, and fun. I stopped in to say hello and was simply amazed to see that these seniors are now balancing . . .

Graduation, 2012
Graduation Videos are posted here. Pictures are uploaded to Wal-Mart. I uploaded hi-resolution pictures that will be suitable for printing. I did try to get the red-eye out, but may have missed a couple. Please leave a comment on this site or . . .

Congratulations to District OR1 Seniors!!! More pictures and videos will come to the web soon.

Each Picture has 25 pictures linked to it. Please click the picture to launch the slideshow.

PHS 2006 Graduation
See some pictures of the ceremony. NOTE: You may have to allow "pop-ups" for the slideshow to work properly. Click HERE to see pictures of the graduates. Click HERE to see the senior slideshow . . .

Graduation 2005
District OR1 Picture
Please choose the following links to see pictures of the 2005 graduation. Series ONE Series TWO

A Trip Back...
Rural District...Palmyra District 85
This school was in existence from the early 1900's to about 1958. Thanks to Margaret Skean for this link. http://incolor.inetnebr.com/jskean/jane84/jane84/dist85/index.html Amongst waving fields of wheat which . . .

A Slice of History
PHS throughout the years
Hunting for historical documents is a fun and educational activity. When Mrs. Stilwell offered the pictures you'll see in the slideshow, it raised a lot of interest with the students and staff of PHS. We'd like to share these . . .