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Mr. Mac's Bio

My Expectations of Students & Parents:
Regardless of a school's setting, urban or rural, parents are an integral partner in their child’s education and occupy a seminal role with the teacher in their child’s academic success. Thus, it is my expectation, as a teacher, that each student complete all assigned work on-time and to the best of the student's ability. Delays reduce the impact and efficacy of the assignment. Late work will be accepted, but the lesson’s impact will be diminished because the student has not been able to fully participate in classroom discussions or asked questions relating to the assignment. Therefore, please find a quiet place that is free from distractions for your burgeoning scholar to study. Check your child’s planner daily to make sure all homework assignments are being completed. Don’t forget to ask questions. “How was your day?” “What did you learn today?” Do not accept a shoulder shrug or “Nothing” as a real answer.

As a “military brat,” I've attended many different schools. “Where are you from?” has been a problematic question for me while I was growing up. I was born in Panama, the country, not the small town in Nebraska, attended high school in the Washington, D.C.. area, and received a B.A. in English from Indiana State University and a K-8 teaching endorsement from Nebraska Wesleyan University. While journeying on this trip, I met, fell in love with, and married a woman, Lisa, who would make me her husband. We are currently raising two active and beautiful sons, Liam and Keegan, while slowly renovating an old house.  
Before teaching at Bennet, I taught for seven years for Omaha Public Schools at King Science & Technology Magnet Middle School: one year teaching sixth grade math and English and six years teaching fifth grade English. I student taught at Murray Language Academy in Chicago, Illinois, where I successfully completed the teaching requirements for Japanese and classroom instruction.


If you see a flashing red light in the early morning hours before school, it’s might be me on my bicycle pedaling to Bennet. Please, pass with care.

Some Favorite Sites:

Bicycling: Academics:

Rides & Races:
* Tour de France
* U.S.C.F.

* Ride the Rockies

* Bike Ride Across Nebraska

* Elephant Rock Ride
* Triple By-Pass

* Tour de Prairie

 * Metropolitan Museum of Art
* Brooklyn Museum of Art
* Sheldon Museum of Art

* Merlin
* Specialized
* Cannondale

* Trek

 * Science for Kids

Shops & Tools:              
* Monkey Wrench
* Park Tools

* Cycle Works

 * Learning Shortcuts

On-Line Catalogs:
* Bike Nashbar
* Excel
* Colorado Cyclist

* Performance

  * Spanish     *  Latin      * German               
  * Japanese  * Chinese   * Greek
For Parents: For Parents:
* A Nation at Risk   * If you're not smarter than
    a fifth grader,click here.
* Your Student's Success  * A Parent's Guide to 5th Grade

Mr. Mac's Bio

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