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1st Grade Apple Tasting

First Grade Apple Tasting Party

Apples in the attic,

Apples in the hall.

Apples in the summer,

Apples in the fall.

Apples make you healthy,

Apples make you tall.

I will eat some apples,

I will eat them all.

Poem used by Mrs. McCreight in music.

First grade celebrated John Chapman’s (a.k.a. Johnny Appleseed)  birthday on Wednesday, September 26th with an apple tasting party!  It was a fun day with birthday hats and all things apple to taste!

First, students were given a red, green and yellow apple slice to taste.  They needed to decide which they preferred. Once they made their decision they graphed their choice on the Clear Touch.  And the winner is----the yellow apple. Students liked it because it was sweet and softer than the red and green apples.

Next, they lined up to fill their plates with delicious apple pie, apple cake, apple bread, apple muffins and apple cookies.  There were apple chips, apple straws and apple jacks to taste, apple butter on bread and applesauce were available to sample too. First graders sipped on apple juice and apple cider. They went back for seconds and, in some cases, thirds.

Finally,  when their tummies were filled with good apple treats they lined up for a First Grade picture.  Thanks Johnny Appleseed for telling the pioneers about the benefits of apples and for planting so many apple trees!