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From Seed to Sprout


            At the end of March, and into the first part of April, preschoolers in Miss Lamb’s room explored seeds and plants. Through these interactive experiences, students quantified numerals with pumpkin and sunflower seeds (matching “how much” to the correct numeral), sorted pictures of fruits and vegetables, planted beans, grass, and marigolds, and studied the life cycle and parts of a plant at great lengths.

            At centers time, preschoolers had the opportunity to tend to our vegetable garden in the sensory table. It housed red and green bell peppers, eggplant, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, and asparagus. Some chose to wear gardening gloves as they dug, planted, and explored in the soil. They also used small gardening tools and plant tags.

            Lastly, and possibly the most exciting experience, was planting beans into our root viewer. Preschoolers took turns planting beans into the soil, and within a couple of days, we were able to observe the beans starting to sprout. This experience allowed students to connect the life cycle concepts discussed with the bean plant growth in real time. Currently, the bean plants stand between one and two feet tall. Preschoolers have been diligent in checking on them daily when they arrive at school, and sharing the responsibility of keeping them watered. We are excited to see their growth through the end of our year!