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District OR-1



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Superintendent Update for 02-16-2024

Community Update For Friday, February 16th, 2024

Panther Families, 

Before we head into the weekend, I wanted to send out another community update. 


  • On behalf of the District OR-1 Board of Education, our staff, and our students, I would like to personally thank all of you again for your continued support of our school district. 

  • Specifically, your collective patience, understanding, flexibility, and collaboration in helping us work through the January rough weather, HVAC issues at the high school, bus route adjustments, extended snow days, traffic congestion at Bennet, and the continuing construction challenges is greatly appreciated. 

  • I am hopeful that the majority of the worst winter weather is behind us and I am looking forward to having our students be able to enjoy more recess and outdoor activities in the coming weeks.


Board Meeting Summary:

  • Our last regular board meeting was Monday, February 12th. 

  • The next board meetings are scheduled for Monday, March 11th, 2024. The Special Board meeting to discuss construction progress will be at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 11th and the regular monthly board meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 11th. 

  • Both meetings will be held at the high school in the media center, and the public is always welcome to attend. 


District Personnel Additions: 

  • At the board meeting last Monday night, the board approved some additional teacher positions at the high school beginning next year. These positions are in response to the continued student growth and increased complexities of special student programs in our district. 

  • Listed here is a brief summary of the new positions: Upper Elementary Teacher, High School Math Teacher, High School Science Teacher, High School Physical Education/ Business Teacher, and a Director of Student Programs.

    • Among the positions that were added at the board meeting, I want to share some updated information on two of the positions.  

  • Physical Education and Business Teacher: 

    • Mr. Taylor Baumert will be joining our Panther team, filling this position. 

    • Additionally, Mr. Baumert will also be our next high school varsity football coach.  

    • Mr. Baumert is coming to us from Battle Creek where he has taught social studies and physical education and been the defensive coordinator for the football team for the past several years. 

    • I am confident Mr. Baumert will do an outstanding job with our students and families, and we look forward to having the Baumert family join our community! 


    Director of Student Programs:

  • Ms. Linde Walter (our current elementary school principal at Bennet) will be filling this critical district role next year. 

  • We are very pleased that Ms. Walter will be able to stay in our district and now work with students (and assist in the development and enhancement of student programs) across the district. 

  • I am confident Ms. Walter will excel in the new role! Congratulations!

Please be looking for additional information about our new hires as they occur in the coming weeks. 


Football Classification Update and 2024-2025 Schedule:

  • As mentioned in my last community update, we did apply to play 11 man football next year, and we have been approved and designated as Class C-2 beginning next school year. 

  • Additionally, our football schedule for next year was recently released and next year’s schedule (minus the exact dates) is listed below. We are excited to enter a new chapter in Palmyra football! Go Panthers!

 2024-2025 Football Schedule:

  • Week #1: Falls City

  • Week #2: @ Superior

  • Week #3: Fillmore Central

  • Week #4: @ Louisville

  • Week #5: @ Bishop Neumann 

  • Week #6 Raymond Central

  • Week#7: @ Lincoln Christian 

  • Week #8: @Malcolm 

  • Week #9:  Conestoga

2024-2025 School Calendar

  • The 2024-2025 school calendar is now available for viewing on our school website at www.districtor1.org

  • The 2024-2025 school year will start for K-12 students on Friday, August 9th and Pre-school students will begin on Monday, August 12th.


Social Media and Digital Safety: 

  • On Tuesday, February 6th and Wednesday, February 7th, Mr. Jay Martin (Nebraska Department of Education: School Safety and Security Director) presented information and practical strategies to students and parents on keeping our children and students safe as they navigate an ever-evolving digital landscape. The presentation was very informative, thought-provoking, and engaging for those in attendance.  

  • Information from the presentation will be available for your review on our school website at www.districtor1org


Parking Update at Bennet Elementary School:

  • The parking and traffic signs have now been posted at Bennet Elementary School. Please ensure you are following the signs, as this helps to efficiently facilitate traffic at the Bennet campus. 

  • I have attached an updated traffic flow document for your review. If you have any questions, please call the Bennet school office. 



Construction Progress Pictures:


Looking in the Southeast Bay Door of the Shop: Inside the CTE Building on the east side of PHS



Thank you again for your support of our district!


Have a great weekend!


Mr. Hart